I'm lots of things for lots of people. It's not so much wearing a multitude of hats as it is operating multi-tasking octopus arms that all function independently but with a common goal.

The common goal is joy. And paying the bills. But mostly joy.

mom & co-Captain

I'm mom to two bonkers awesome kids and spouse to a rad-as-hell dude. I'm relentlessly in love with my family and endlessly grateful I get to share this human experience with them. I know everyone says that, but it's real.


Close doesn't quite describe my family. Spiritually bonded and slightly co-dependent paints a more accurate picture. We're the if-you-call-me-I-will-drop-what-I'm-doing-to-answer-and-we'll-figure-it-out-together-type. Doesn't matter if someone's headed to the ER or got hit by the Holy Ghost on a stationary bike... we're gonna talk it out until everyone's done crying.


I'm a small business owner who's growing into the title "CEO" of ColorPop Portraits, the picture day portrait photography company I created in 2020. #greatyearforacareerchange


I'm practicing how it feels to embrace "artist" as part of my identity again. I want to earn it.


The thought has occurred to me a handful of times that I describe myself in terms of my relationship to others, but I'm not too sure what I am to myself. I am a self. I'm fully aware of just how "millennial" it sounds to say that I'm working on taking care of my self... I know, I'm gagging too, but you gotta admit, we're kinda onto something here... #selfcarematters